Recent publications
- Books
- 2015. Colantoni, L., Steele, J. & Escudero, P. Second language speech: An introduction. Cambridge University Press.
- 2013. Colantoni, L. & C. Rodríguez Louro (eds.). Perspectivas teóricas y experimentales sobre el español de la Argentina. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert (32 chapters).
- 2008. Colantoni, L. & J. Steele. Selected Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Articles and chapters
- 2023. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A., & Steele, J. Articulatory Insights into the L2 Acquisition of English-/l/ Allophony. Language and Speech, 238309231200629–238309231200629.
- 2023. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A., & Steele, J. Pathways to depalatalization of the French palatal nasal in Quebec & Hexagonal French: An EPG study. Journal of French Language Studies. Journal of French Language Studies, 1–30.
- 2023. Colantoni, L. and Mennen, I. Introduction to the Special issue of Languages: The Effects of Cross-Language Differences on Bilingual Production and/or Perception of Sentence-Level Intonation, 8(2).
- 2023. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A., Steele, J. L1 influence on the L2 acquisition of English word-final nasal place contrasts: An electropalatographic study of L1 Japanese and Spanish speakers. Journal of the Association of Laboratory Phonology, 14(1).
- 2023. Pérez Leroux, A. T., Alvarez López, Y., Barreto, M., Cuza, A., Marinescu, I., Yang, J. & Colantoni, L The phonetic and morphosyntactic dimensions of grammatical gender in Spanish heritage language acquisition: An exploratory study. Heritage Language Journal, 20: 1-37.
- 2022. Colantoni, L. Contact and typological distance in the study of intonation. Lacus Forum, 46(1): 19-34.
- 2022. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A., Steele, J. Coronal stop lenition in French and Spanish: Electropalatographic evidence. Loquens. 8(1-2), e080.
- 2022. Colantoni, L.; Klassen, G.; Patience, M.; Radu, M.; Tararova, O. Perception and production of sentence types by Inuktitut-English bilinguals. Languages. 2022; 7(3):193.
- 2021. Colantoni, L., Sánchez, L. The Role of Prosody and Morphology in the Mapping of Information Structure onto Syntax. Languages, 6, 207.
- 2021. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A. & Steele, Jeffrey. Articulatory settings and L2 English coronal consonants. Phonetica, 78 (4); 273-316.
- 2021. Colantoni, L., Escudero, P., Marrero, V., & Steele, J. Evidence-Based Design Principles for Spanish Pronunciation Teaching. Frontiers in Communication, 6. Doi: 0.3389/fcomm.2021.639889
- 2020. Colantoni, L., Martínez, R., Pérez Leroux, A., & Rinaldi, N. A phonetic account of heritage bilinguals’ divergence with Spanish gender agreement. Languages, 5, 58; doi:10.3390/languages5040058
- 2020. Kochetov, A.; Colantoni, L., Steele, J. Variable assimilation of English word-final /n/: Electropalatographic evidence. English language and linguistics, 1-32. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 August 2020. doi:10.1017/S1360674320000222
- 2020. Patience, M., Colantoni, L., Klassen, G., Radu, M., & Tararova, O. The perception and comprehension of English sentence types: Cross-linguistic influence and task effects. Gradus, 5(1), 71-98
- 2020. Hirayama, M.; Colantoni, L.; Pérez Leroux, A. Prosody of recursive NPs in Japanese: Acquisition and variation. To be submitted to Journal of Child Phonology 1-25. doi:10.1017/S0305000920000367
- 2019. Colantoni, L.; Hualde, J. I.; Icardo, A. Stressed clitic pronouns in two Spanish varieties. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 18 105-129.
- 2018. Radu, M.; Klassen, G., Colantoni, L.; Patience, M.; Pérez Leroux, A. & Tararova, O. The perception and interpretation of intonational contours among L2 English speakers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
- 2018. Steele, J., Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A. Gradient assimilation in French cross-word nasal+velar stop sequences. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 48, 1-22.
- 2018. Colantoni, L. & Steele, J. The Mixed Effects of Phonetic Input Variability on Relative Ease of L2 Learning: Evidence from English Learners’ Production of French and Spanish Stop-rhotic Clusters, Languages 3(2), 12
- 2023. Colantoni, L., Kochetov, A., & Steele, J. Articulatory Insights into the L2 Acquisition of English-/l/ Allophony. Language and Speech, 238309231200629–238309231200629.